- Stuart
Chase (in collaboration with Marian Tyler Chase), Power of Words, Phoenix House Ltd, London, 1955,
- Charles
Simic, 'The Big War', The Voice at 3:00 A.M., Harcourt Inc., Orlando, 2003, p34.
- William
Carlos Williams, 'Author's Introduction' (to The Wedge), Collected Poems II 1939-1962, Carcanet, Manchester, UK, 1988,
- Marina
Tsvetayeva, from Poems to Czechoslovakia, 'VIII', Carolyn Forch� (ed)., Against
Forgetting, Twentieth Century Poetry of Witness, W W Norton & Company, New York, London, 1993,
- Stuart
Chase (in collaboration with Marian Tyler Chase), Power of Words, Phoenix House Ltd, London, 1955,
- Wallace
Stevens, 'An Ordinary Evening in New Haven', The Collected Poems of Wallace
Stevens, Vintage Books,
New York, 1990, p473.
- Chapter
2, 'Facts which Need not be Proved by Evidence', Cross on Evidence, Butterworths,* p3007.
- Chapter
2, 'Facts which Need not be Proved by Evidence', Cross on Evidence, Butterworths,* p3008.
- Yusuf
Al-Khal, 'After the Fifth of June', from Salma Khadra Jayyusi, (ed.,), Modern Arabic
Poetry, An Anthology,
Columbia University Press, New York, 1987, p271.
- Chapter
2, 'Facts which Need not be Proved by Evidence', Cross on Evidence, Butterworths,* p3008.
- Rumi,
'Thinking and the Heart's Mystical Way', The Soul of Rumi, (translated by Coleman Barks),
HarperCollins, San Francisco, 2002, p75.
- William
Carlos Williams, 'The Birth of Venus', Collected Poems II 1939-1962, Carcanet, Manchester, UK, 1988,
- John
Ralston Saul, 'Memory', On Equilibrium, Penguin Books, Camberwell, Victoria, 2001, p217, quoting from
Alessandro Manzoni, The Betrothed.
- George
Orwell quoted in Peter Jones, 'Language Barriers', The Sunday Mail, June 29, 2003, p85.
- Jane
Searle, 'Facing facts of evil a matter of taste', The Weekend
Australian, July 26-27,
2003, 'The World', p11.
- Steward
Brand, The Clock of the Long Now, Time and Responsibility, Phoenix, Orion Books Ltd., London,
1999, p72.
- Nguyen Thanh Binh,
'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow', VietnamArtist.Com, 2000,