1. Stuart Chase (in collaboration with Marian Tyler Chase), Power of Words, Phoenix House Ltd, London, 1955, p228.
  2. Charles Simic, 'The Big War', The Voice at 3:00 A.M., Harcourt Inc., Orlando, 2003, p34.
  3. William Carlos Williams, 'Author's Introduction' (to The Wedge), Collected Poems II 1939-1962, Carcanet, Manchester, UK, 1988, p53.
  4. Marina Tsvetayeva, from Poems to Czechoslovakia, 'VIII', Carolyn Forch� (ed)., Against Forgetting, Twentieth Century Poetry of Witness, W W Norton & Company, New York, London, 1993, p126.
  5. Stuart Chase (in collaboration with Marian Tyler Chase), Power of Words, Phoenix House Ltd, London, 1955, p229.
  6. Wallace Stevens, 'An Ordinary Evening in New Haven', The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, Vintage Books, New York, 1990, p473.
  7. Chapter 2, 'Facts which Need not be Proved by Evidence', Cross on Evidence, Butterworths,* p3007.
  8. Chapter 2, 'Facts which Need not be Proved by Evidence', Cross on Evidence, Butterworths,* p3008.
  9. Yusuf Al-Khal, 'After the Fifth of June', from Salma Khadra Jayyusi, (ed.,), Modern Arabic Poetry, An Anthology, Columbia University Press, New York, 1987, p271.
  10. Chapter 2, 'Facts which Need not be Proved by Evidence', Cross on Evidence, Butterworths,* p3008.
  11. Rumi, 'Thinking and the Heart's Mystical Way', The Soul of Rumi, (translated by Coleman Barks), HarperCollins, San Francisco, 2002, p75.
  12. William Carlos Williams, 'The Birth of Venus', Collected Poems II 1939-1962, Carcanet, Manchester, UK, 1988, p114.
  13. John Ralston Saul, 'Memory', On Equilibrium, Penguin Books, Camberwell, Victoria, 2001, p217, quoting from Alessandro Manzoni, The Betrothed.
  14. George Orwell quoted in Peter Jones, 'Language Barriers', The Sunday Mail, June 29, 2003, p85.
  15. Jane Searle, 'Facing facts of evil a matter of taste', The Weekend Australian, July 26-27, 2003, 'The World', p11.
  16. Steward Brand, The Clock of the Long Now, Time and Responsibility, Phoenix, Orion Books Ltd., London, 1999, p72.
  17. Nguyen Thanh Binh, 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow', VietnamArtist.Com, 2000, www.vietnamartist.com/public/news.php?news_id=1.